Tuesday 29 July 2014

How be rich !!!

Hi, it's been a while since I had written anything on my blog. I noticed recently that to get rich, the best way was not to think betting on sports paris or speculate the purse. There are some onne method that I found very good and does not require much effort. First, I'm investing in the precious metals like silver and gold. But it must be physical metals, which can touch and hold. In its time period économiqument difficult, we all know that precious metals are the refuge value and safest possible. We can say that it has paid off for me. I started to ride me a collection of old coins of precious metals. Even if the value of the precious metal drops, the value of the piece remains attractive given its age. But later, I realized that it must create value with this collection. That is why I decided to sell a good price and with the benefits that I won, I was always looking to create value. I think the miracle pill to enrchir not expect to win the lottery but has always try to create value for each thing we buy and create value for others.

Give me your opinion

Monday 31 December 2012

Get rich by creating value

Hello, it's been a while since I had written anything on my blog. I noticed recently that to get rich, the best way was not to think betting on sports paris or speculate the purse. There are some onne method that I found very good and does not require much effort. First, I'm investing in the precious metals like silver and gold. But it must be physical metals, which can touch and hold. In its time period économiqument difficult, we all know that precious metals are the refuge value and safest possible. We can say that it has paid off for me. I started to ride me a collection of old coins of precious metals. Even if the value of the precious metal drops, the value of the piece remains attractive given its age. But later, I realized that it must create value with this collection. That is why I decided to sell a good price and with the benefits that I won, I was always looking to create value. I think the miracle pill to enrchir not expect to win the lottery but has always try to create value for each thing we buy and create value for others.

Give me your oppinion

Saturday 1 September 2012

Silver - opportunity

Hello there, I hope you've had a chance to get into the metal money before the speech of Ben Bernake. The price of silver is mounted enriron 5% yesterday. The future looks good for the money and gold metal.
I will send you a link that I found on You tube. This summarizes the wholesale money siuation metal. Leave your comment.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Ben Bernake Speak Tomorrow

At 10:00 tomorrow morning, Eastern Time, we will hear what the Fed chairman plans to do to boost the economy. We know that if there is a QE3, more money will be invested in the economy and ensure lower the value of the dollar, but will increase the price of precious metals. Tomorrow will be a good trading day.

Silver direction - Waiting the FED

Tomorrow will be the statement of the President of the FED. We'll have more details if it will allow monetary easing to inject money into the economy by QE3. The price of silver has been stable for 3 days now waiting for the response of the Fed. Currently the price is between 30.60 and 31. 2 direction is possible that the Fed will decide. If there is a monetary easing, there are high chances that the price of silver continues to rise upwards. If the Fed does nothing, then we could see the price of silver down. That is why tomorrow will be a very important day.

Monday 27 August 2012

Movie on silver and gold


Money, always money. What do with silver now.

For someone who wants to invest a little money and looks like me in the stock market, it may seem difficult at first. We dont no where to begin. We want to buy stocks that we have a part of a company, we try the forex ... I would say to buy shares, you must be knowledgeable of the market and there is a 100 chance of hitting a good deal. There are certainly interesting actions but it is too volatile market. Speaking of volatility, what's worse than forex. If you want to lose your money, go to the market. This is the worst place. For some time I interress market money. Not that of gold because the price is already too high in my opinion. The silver has been more in the shade and the price is reasonable. According to many research I've done, I think the future is interresting for money. But physical silver only. Not the paper. We're talking about a higher demand, inventory reserves decline year after year ... I think this is a market interesting. More physically you hold your investment. I think if you want to invest, do good research before you think be placement that suits you. For mine, I find. If you want to buy silver now, I advise you wait for the silver ets overbought. The title is up 28 to $ 31.30 in a few days. The stocastic is high and the RSI also. Be prudent.

AOL - Special dividend

AOL announce this morning they will return to their shareolders a huge special dividend of 5,15 $ share special dividend

Sunday 26 August 2012

Silver Up and test 31 $

Silver price test now the 31 $ price.

Silver price Up again !!!

The comex market is open there is little time and we can see that the price of silver to continue its rise in the past week. The price of silver is mounted sharply at opening transactions comex. The price reached $ 30.98 in eleven and settles on a substrate are $ 30.90. Has since last week, the price of money took over 15% profit in one week. The price of silver began a 6 th consecutive day due to rumors of a support of FED support to the economy.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Why buy Silver metal coins

The stock market today are very volatile. Each day, a simple information can change the direction of the market and it is difficult to know their direction. For some time, I am interested in precious metals markets, the more Silver than gold. Silver is more accessible and has greater profit potential. With everything that is happening in the world, or possible bankruptcy of greece, the financial problem of spain and italy and the return of a possible default of payment obligations in the U.S., a weak economy enjoyed and debt grandiose country, I do not see a good side to the new economic future. Certainly the government is trying the best revive the economy, but how does he. It does not reduce spending enough. To revive the economy, we lower interest rates louse that people buy more. Rates are already on the floor. Injeter and print paper money will create a devaluation of the purchasing power. For these raions, I'm interrested in silver. I think this is the best investment currently. Demance for the metal is increasing and reserves are dese lower.  Some research I've done shows a depletion of resources in the 15 to 20 years ahead. Furthermore, when you own physical silver, you can touch it and see. It is not virtual. Here is a link that I put on a recent analysis of the silver.


Tuesday 17 July 2012

Anthera Pharmaceutical inc. On Nasdaq- Anth

Since two days, this stocks have take more than 100 %. Many analyst recommended this stock. This stocks will be to watch until the rest of the week.

Monday 2 July 2012

Pot.to - Potash corp. of saskatchewan

Potash corp of sakatchewan share price had drop last month with incertitude of the economy and the situation in europe. Las weak, share price had do good gain to up until 46 $ by share. We see the demand od the potash have growth and the price. That will be funny to see this week where the share price will bi situate.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Facebook Fall Under 30 $ by share

Facebook shares price have fall yesterday under 30 $. This share price was her support. Some analyst se the share price drop until 13 $ to represent correctely the real value of this society.
This morning, in pre market, share price fall again to 28,48 $ by share

Saturday 26 May 2012

Facebook IPO

Does facebook is a good investisment ? I think it's to short to say if Facebook is a good investment. One think is sure, initial share price was more heigher than the real value of the society. And with all the insider sell first day of the trading on Nasdaq, share price have down easely. One think is sure, it's not the next Google but if Facebook have a good strategy to prove to shareholders than that will be a great society for shareholder. But that will be to prove in the next year. I think it's more premedity to analyse the society.

Monday 21 May 2012

Facebook Fb on Nasdaq loss more than 10 %

It's not a good day for facebook. The share price have lost more than 10 % this morning. The share price is stabilize between 33,50 and 34 $ with more than 104 million shares traded. It's the first day of lost of the share. Friday IPO was 38 $.

Thursday 3 May 2012

NRI Nuvo Reserch Q1 2012 Result

Yet this company had dreamed all the elements before it in order to advance its growth. However with the disappointing result of anonce and with a product that has been Temporarily rejected by the FDA, I believe that shareholders have been had by management. society increased revenues from 3.8 to 6.2 million. That it will be expected as sales of Pensaid increased. The problem with that is operating expenses. $ 2 million for expenses of sales for a company with a turnover of about 15 million per year -20,000,000. Without counting the bonuses and high salaries of dirigeants.I think this company is a joke for shareholders.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

CGX Energy oyl.to to Watch

Today Watch CGX energy. The stock come to up  until ,88. Maybe they are something in the society. RSI and volume are Good.

Sunday 29 April 2012

Orbite . ort.to

The situation of the company is obcur these days. Evolves under the title speculation. Many see the analysis as a short-term $ 8 and see more during the next 2-3 years to come to $ 23-37.